Return of the Shed

 Yep I'm back,

I've been concentrating on getting the inside of the shed kitted out the way I think it's going to work and enjoying the loveliness of having a space of my own while not completely abandoning family life in lockdown.

So the updates since June are I have a home made double glazed window (and some fairy lights!)

And the view from inside:

The shed now has a name It's now "the Bugger-abooterie" because that's what I do when I'm in there! 

This is made from Easdale Slate that I pickup off the beach on Easdale island the last time we were there.  Once this pandemic is done you should try an go there - it's a lovely little place with lots of history.

I've also got the inside fitted out (a bit).

A bench

A desk of all sorts for writery / figuring stuff out things

Storage space in the filing cabinets ( free from gumtree)

All of my currently growing collection lathe tools, bits wrenches screw drivers (and other stuff!)

I've also managed to find some fold down storage space in the roof space 

and I've installed a dust / chip collection system with dust ports around the shed so I'm getting close to where I want to be with the Bugger-abooterie.

The truth is there will always be something else I want to do, another tool I "need" but isn't that the way with makers! My grasp should always outstrip my reach!

Stay safe




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