Time to Stump Up

So in the latest update, I am stump less.  I'm also picture-less as I've changed over phones and am still in the process of moving data and apps over to the new phone.

So going back four years the garden had a huge conifer tree three storeys high within 10 meters of the house.   Aside from the fact that very little would grow in the garden the roots were starting to show in the paths around the garden and if left much longer would probably have done damage to the house.  So after looking around, we got the tree taken down.  For some inexplicable reason ( To be honest, it was probably me trying to save a quid or two)  we didn't get the stump taken away.  I think we thought we might have a little table plonked on top but alas it wasn't to be.

I've spent the last few weeks trying to find a cheap easy way to get rid of the stump, burn it out drill it out, cut it out.  The truth is that the easiest way is to get someone else to grid it out.  At least in Edinburgh, it's cheaper to contract someone to grind the stump out than to hire the kit to do it yourself.

So thanks to Andrew at http://www.edinburghstumpremoval.com/ who came and worked his magic and in about an hour the offending stump was gone.  So I can heartily recommend Andrew.  Please note Andrew didn't offer a discount for a favourable review and I didn't ask for one so this is a genuine recommendation.

Another reason for the lack of progress is that there's been a fair bit of work required on both our cars and the house which has taken a bit of cash and time to resolve hopefully things are now resolved so progress on the shed should now be a lot quicker.

Until next time



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